Kimbilio Primary pupils being trained after having been selected by Makerere Innovation Society to give some students the opportunity to participate this year in free ICT Program.The program involves a half-day visit to the School once a week.....

This program is going to run from 1st-31st/ October 2019, for two weeks at any day of convenient by the Africa Code Week (ACW) team Trainers from Makerere Innovation society.

This workshop has to take place in the school Computer Lab and the School is required to select a maximum 100 students to benefit from this free ICT program. On the day of official launch in eastern Uganda, 20 students from each of the participating School,will represent the School in the innovation competition among schools at Busitema University in October 2019. In brief, Africa Code Week (ACW) is an initiative in it’s fifth year of implementation and has the goal of empowering future generations with the coding tools and ICT skills they need to thrive in the 21st century workforce and become key actors in Africa’s economic development.

So far over 4 million youth and 50.000 teachers across Africa , have been trained on digital learning curriculum. The following like Makerere University, Kyambogo University, Busitema University, Makerere Innovation Society, World Vision, Irish Aid, Fundi Bots, Mindset Coders, the WIT and WITU, Andela, among others. As Kimbilio we are grateful to ACW for having considered our School to be among the beneficiaries.
